Monday, August 14, 2006

India DOES / DOESN’T need Superman (or Superwoman)?

Well, I am not much into following superheroes like Superman, Spiderman, and Batman et al since childhood. Though, when my cousin Ravi was here, @ 4 years back, I managed to catch up with Batman series on Cartoon network, for the sake of accompanying him, when he used to be alone at home.

So when I saw this movie – Superman Returns – on Friday, I was impressed with the super-humanness of Superman. I mean it; for example, it CANNOT be a normal human who could descend a crashing aero plane to safe landing – that too on a baseball field – those of you who have seen it may comply to this…

Hmmm, ok, I’m not here to express my surprise to his feats & action.

I was wondering if India is in need of a superhero like Superman (or a Superwoman, for that matter).

WHY WOULD INDIA NEED A SUPERMAN? Does India need Superman for his heroism, his innocence, his decency, his kindness, and his modesty? In a country full of corruption and selfishness, brimming population, increasing violence and despair, do we desperately need the last man capable of being such a true champion?

& we are wishing to have Superman because this country is in need of a super-hero? Does that mean that this country is devoid of courageous people? Or this country lacks people who are innocent, decent, kind, modest & heroic too, above all.

Let’s first explore, as to how it might help to have a Superman. Considering the recent events that have managed to get into news recently (though it’s not great for any event to be Breaking News nowadays), are there any positive answers for these questions –

Would Superman have rescued Prince (of Kurukshetra) earlier than our Army?
Would Superman have averted the terrorist attacks on the lifeline of Mumbai?
Would Superman have averted the heavy rainfall which is creating havoc in Western, & now southern India?
Would Superman have bought the terrorist enemies of this nation to account?
The list is endless…

Further looking, Superman is not capable of foreseeing these events & stopping them. From the movie, what I was able to gauge was that he makes best of his efforts to minimize the loss – of life only, because he does destroys property – after a calamity has occurred.

As it is, we Indians are better at it anyways. We have capacity to pull out Prince from a narrow hole, 59 feet deep. See it this way; we have 5 – 6 yr old kids like Prince, who can survive for more than 2 day’s in such situations. & a Super-Army comes to its rescue – drilling a parallel hole, 60 foot deep, ASAP!

We also have the Mumbaikar, whose spirits have been tested time & again, by Nature, then Terrorists & Nature again. As for the endless tragedies hitting Mumbai, we don’t have ONE Superman. We had many, who saved the lives of people they have never met before, UNLIKE Superman, who saves life of many just because one amongst those many is the girl he has soft feelings for – Lois Lane, for those who have seen the movie.

No, India is not in need of such superhero. Because, we already have many super heroes who may be how so ever selfish, rude or despair, the champion within them rises up & extends to help the needy, in times of calamity.

Whether it was the 26/7 floods that almost drowned major part of Mumbai or the 11/7 bomb blasts that ripped off the confidence of the citizens, the super human in each of us has emerged to save our compatriots & help them to revive from the disaster.

To conclude, I personally think that India is not in need of one Superhero like Superman. It’s just that the there is a Superman is each of us – who may not be able to fly in air or descend a crashing aero-plane safely – but who has the capability to come forward & help others at the first opportunity & save lives. Someone who can fight the problems, clouding this nation, in a unified manner. And this does not call for some Superhero. It’s just a matter of courage, concern & unity.

On the eve of Independence Day – 2006, I wish that there are more people in India who extend help & support to others in times of despair, who consider it as their religion to treat others on humane grounds & who have the courage to tackle the problems facing this nation, in the most diligent manner!

Happy Independence Day to the reader…


Unknown said...

Koonal nice views man, however I have to disagree a bit. We need superheroes, but not only for the silverscreen... check out my blog, started recently...

Unknown said...

Koonal nice views man, however I have to disagree a bit. We need superheroes, but not only for the silverscreen... check out my blog, started recently...